Plant Daddy

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Rambling Again.

After 25 years I decided to clean out all the foreign growth under the trees at home. This has been a 4 week project so far. It is amazing how much stuff comes to life in a small area. The vacuum certainly was hated by nature and filled with all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately a lot of it was mine.

I found the frame and benches from an entire 20 X 60 foot greenhouse and a bunch of farm implements that have been missing for years. Also found several new species of rampant obnoxious weeds. The poor black snake was very unhappy about his house being disturbed. The gopher turtle hut was left alone. Poison ivy is not nice stuff.

Writing this here is too much work and brings back memories of sweat and pain so I quit. But below is another happy pothos photo. Life is nicer in a shaded pan and pad cooled greenhouse.


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