Plant Daddy

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 Days of Fruit..............forget the Ornamentals.....

Day 1: Strawberries............
We grow about 10 pots of strawberries a year. This gives enough berries to eat fresh plus some to freeze for making strawberry jam whenever needed. We keep them in the greenhouse on raised benches so picking is easy. I crawled along the ground picking berries a lot when I was a kid so I know this technique is better. Also, being inside keeps most of the birds and insect away.
The berries will keep over a year in the freezer and still cook up to make fabulous jam. Mosaic Mom makes 2-3 pints at a time so it never gets old.......what a gift....!!!!

We harvest friut from January thru May. Then the new runners come (due to longer photoperiod)and we root new ones for next year. The challenge is to keep the new plants alive over the summer by putting them in the coolest and brightest place we can find. In November they start to grow and flower. Our method has worked for 4 years now with the same plants. YEAH strawberries.


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