Plant Daddy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In "My World" it is Boys Before Girls.......

I should say "in my Zucchini world" that is........
In our garden Zucchini always start off with male flowers.....several days before the females come along....
So to outsmart them tricky girls we harvest the male flowers (below) and put them in the refrigerator to store the pollen until the females decide to wake up and get with it.....
So below you can see the first male of the 2011 fall gardening season has been harvested, placed on a section moistened paper towel in a plastic container.......the cover will be added and placed in the refrigerator.....
The male flowers and their pollen will keep for up to a week....
Here is a close up to the male flower and its pollen........btw...the petals have been cut back for easier storage.
Now we just wait for the first female flower to show her pretty stigma....
Of course if we get both male and female flowers the same day we use the fresh pollen....
The excess males are again stored waiting for a solitary females.....
We discard the older males when we have an excess of fresh ones.....

Soon I get to eat delicious zucchini fries..........I hope......


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