Plant Daddy

Thursday, June 10, 2004

One of Those Days I Fear…

After a great trip yesterday irradiating plants, things seem a little tense at work today.
It is so easy to get caught up in the spiral that leads to the toilet. Must fight the urge to be flushed. Ahhhhh but can’t go the greenhouse because it is Thursday and it is spray day (grrrrr) – a previous blog told that story. So perhaps blogging will turn the tide.

There was an office email to everyone asking about the PIGS who keep messing up the coffee room. It was not a very professional email and probably does not deserve a positive response. But since I do not use the coffee room I just groaned and hit DELETE – case closed from my standpoint. That is one way to stop the flushing.

I guess I am philosophical today, but life is full of little crises that can be made larger than life in an instant. It is a constant battle to keep them in prospective. Of course my turn will come when we soon see what our pay massive raises will be. Why did I even think of pushing that button?

Speaking of spray day - one of the spray crew members is retiring in 3 weeks. He said this was going to be one of his final spray jobs and that he was really going all out to do a top job. He also stated (through his spray mask) that he probably deserved a Whooper and Fries for this effort. He is right.!!!! So I will pick up lunch for the spray crew. I really love those guys. Maybe I will pick up an extra couple of whoppers for myself and get some self love going--- asleep by 2:00 for sure. Seems my attitude is getting better by the minute (or calorie).

Actually I will pass on the burgers, but may get some more bananas. Bananas are great since they make your stomach think it is full. Five or six bananas a day will really get you going in many different ways.

That reminds me of my 10 favorite fruit: bananas, good cantelopes, good watermelon, flame grapes, fuji apples (no others acceptable), ponkan oranges, bing cherries, Italian plums (the Oregon kind), half-ripe strawberries, crunchy peaches, and marionberries (but only in a pie).

Ahhhhh, I am now filled with happy fruit thoughts and plan on having a nice spray day.
I hope you all do to.


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