Plant Daddy

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Ant and the Grasshopper

When I was a kid one of my favorite stories was about the ant and the grasshopper. In summary: the ant worked hard and the grasshopper played all summer. When winter came the grasshopper begged the ant to feed him but she did not and saved the food for her family.
The grasshopper did not have a good ending.

I am not sure how this hurricane thing will end up either but I am an ant in that regard. The building is covered in with plywood, we have 2 generators and plenty of fuel. If our refuge holds we should be ok. I can't stop doing something once the nervous energy takes over. However, it is harder now as age takes it toll. If this experience is too nasty, next time I will prepare as best I can early and leave the state and forget about it.

The Z shop is probably doomed and the Big-O will probably be damaged because it can't be moved. No where to go anyway. That is life - maybe we will be lucky. No way --- the Z shop is just too fragile.

I moved several one of a kind hybrids into our main building at work. They should survive.
The crape myrtles are at home and I will hold them with me at all times along with mandevilla and some other unique plants. We will go out together if at all.

I hate this stuff. Anyway I feel better that preparations are almost finished. The rest is in God's hands. I hope everyone manages to escape unharmed.

Maybe it is time to move back to Oregon --- at least for the summers anyway. Now that sounds like a plan. Good luck to all.

More from the ant later.


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