Plant Daddy

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Spring and Convoys

Still in the sping mood as life seems to be starting up again. Ivan seems to be more west still and that is good news for us. Definitely a feeling of spring after 3 weeks or hibernation. Getting two springs in one year is a pretty good deal.

The cucmuber seeds and tomato seeds are sown and should be up in 4 days - ahh Florida at its best. The pepper plants are reaching for the sky. Maybe I will plant some leaf lettuce this fall.

So it really is spring since the time for fall planting has arrived. Can you say that about anywhere else?

We visited Helen's apartment last night and her power is finally on. The Stetson campus looked immaculate. The grass was mowed and raked and all the debris was gone. Spring had appeared there also. You would not recognise campus compared to last week. Finally the poor students may get back on schedule. The rest of Deland still looked like a tree debris field.

It was quite amazing to see all the convoys of power trucks in Deland. We saw trucks from Ohio, mississippi and Texas. It gave you a really good feeling of how this country can work together. What a massive amount of logistical organization must have gone into making those work. Congratulations to all involved and thank you. So much good can come out of these storms and I was glad to see some.

Anyway I will include another mandevilla photo (above) in salute of Florida's sring/fall. If Ivan suddenly turns east (and that could happen) then all bets are off and back to hibernation. We will know for sure in 3 days (Wed). We are not completely safe until Ivan is NORTH of us.


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