Plant Daddy

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

To the Points

I love driving the greenbean on the 33 mile roundtrip to work each day. However the 'bean started burping occasionally on the way home last Friday. Just tiny little burps (misses) and the first burp in 3500 miles of troublefree driving. Instantly beads of sweat roll off my forehead as fear of sitting on the roadside rush to the forefront. Damn Z cars anyway. Grrrrrrr........

Figured it was a little water in gas and I treated for it. Nah, that wasn't it. Grrrrr....Scott (the Z guru) said the points needed adjustment. No problem even though I hadn't done it myself before but had watched intently once. So I did it. Car ran ok but still not satisfied. Grrrrr......

After second adjustment nothing happened. The car would not fire. Oh God. No panic. Just let it sit a day. Grrrrrrr........... Tonight I reset the points to a narrower gap and it fired up. The 'bean ran up and down the road ok but was unsteady when rpm exceed 5000. High rpm is what Z cars are supposed to like you know. So decided to read the manual and realized there may be more to this point gapping thing. I think there is. Grrrrrr.............

What I actually need is to eliminate the points and install an electronic ignition. More and better power at all rpm. Both of my Z shop buddies' cars have them. Then no more messing with distributor adjustment every 5000 miles. Nice................ No more Grrrrrrrrr...... There may be a UPS package arriving next week. The greenbean should be real happy at 6-7000 rpm. I know I will be - get the point. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....................................


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