Plant Daddy

Monday, October 10, 2005

They Got Me.

Tomorrow I get to get up early and drive 2 hours so I can sit in federal jury pool beginning at 8:00 am. It is not going to be easy to sit and listen very long. Even our 1 hour faculty meetings are tough to take and there are topics there that interest me. My routine is shot for the day. Do I take a snack, a lunch or what? How do you prepare for something like this?

Gee, I may be sitting on a jury for 6 months. Not good. Real bad in fact. On the other hand it should be interesting and lead to some good stories down the road. Perhaps even a book deal. Hey, now we are talking.!!!

Just in case I get stuck for a few days I am going add a few more foliagae photos so I can have something fun to think about while I sit. Perhaps taking a notebook to outline the procedure is a good idea. Wonder what a good title would be.......