Plant Daddy

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Computer Crash Slows MosaicMom

I did it this time. Tried to backup some folders on the home computer and messed it up. The computer is now in a loop da loop and won't turn on. There soon will be a loop around my neck (at least there should be)if it is not fixed. It is now in the shop and hopefully Dewayne can save the day (and me).

Fow whatever reason dealing with a stubborn computer is unnerving. The stress levels rise rapidly with no end in sight. Wonder why this is. Hard to deal with things you cannot see or understand I guess. At least I am off ebay.

Mosaicmom in on the road spreading good will today so the computer will be missed less than usual. We do have a backup but still it is just not the same. So here I sit waiting for a call from Dewayne. Oh brother.

Working with plants is so much more fun. They are big, the problems are pretty much self evident and VISIBLE. Besides you can often eat you mistakes in the garden. On the bright side, the 20 broccoli plants and edible pod peas are thriving and the coming cold front will spru them on to greatness. Hopefully Mosaicmom will get to tell you all about it soon - I hope.