Plant Daddy

Monday, December 05, 2005


Things are going pretty well actually. Did some more work on my steel flower sculpture for my mom over the weekend. It is going to be ok I think. This one will be painted flat black since the trial pieces looked good in black. It may get done this week or next --- can't fight it you know. Photos will be presented upon completion. Shipping is another issue...............

All is quiet at work. The greenhouse is full and the plants look really good. Maybe we have figured out how to grown these aroids afterall. My first annual report has been turned in and the second one is not due until February. We have to go to campus next Monday all day to hear a seminar on grant writing. That should be great(just kidding)................

At home, the garden is doing really well and photos will be published soon. We have beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant (yes eggplant), lettuce (9 kinds) and the awesome broccoli crop is almost ready to harvest. There is also the dozen butternut squash from work. Oh boy, how lucky can you get..............