What happened.............?
Got busy that is what...............
Will never catch up even though things looking better............
Got the grass mowed......new blackberries planted...........figs are producing...........adenium are setting seed.............planted out mandevilla hybrid..........planted adenium in ground for a survival test...........planted out pentas..........all this planting is to clean out the greenhouses..........harvested and planted out philodendron selloum seed pot from the yard...............I have put myself on plant propagation restriction...........also on cigar smoking restriction............wrote 2 new cultivar release buttetins (thanks to Mosaic mom's help - that young lady can write).........we even got a little rain.......still to do.............must get birthday present for MM......more adenium seed to make.........more grass to mow in a week............peppers, eggplant and okra still going strong........sweet potatoes look great...........had a great harvest of butternut squash and cantelops........eating is fun........even had some pompano for dinner..........tomatoes still producing in greenhouse.........God I love gardening and Mosaic Mom...........YEAH life.............
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