Plant Daddy

Friday, August 01, 2008

'nother Week 'nother Tour........

Gee my last tour (of this week anyway).......

1. Tour disadvantages:
Fills the mind with non productive thoughts....
Takes a lot of time that is not noticed....
Generally tiring....
Totally disruptive......
Fills the mind with non productive thougths....

2. Tour Advantages:
Got to confiscate a new bulletin board.....
Got some good photos.....
At least I will be noticed.......
Better than being ignored at work = leads to paranoia in this envirnment.
A good time to think things over......
My chance to preach.....
My lab is all full of tour plants... it looks good.........
Below is our new buttetin really looks good.......
Advantages win 6 to 5......
YEAH Tours............................................