Plant Daddy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Folige Plant Hybrid Releases........

Why will the Aglaonema in the previous post most likely not be named or released....?????

For us to go thru the release process that involves propagtion and growth studies, cold sensitivity and interior testing and eventual patenting (1-3 years) we need to know that the plant will have desireable commercial properties....otherwise it will never become available......i.e. no one will grow and sell it to retail outlets....therefore our time was wasted......

What did I just say..??? other words companies need to make money off of a plant or it is doomed.....therefore it needs to grow well without any undo problems.....

Why not "charge more" for somthing new even if it grows slower.........??? Good question........that has bugged me for years..........the answer is that the current marketing system for these plants does not seem to support that.....I have seen some spectacular plants just fade away......we are dealing with one right now........trying to find ways to speed its growth using new methods.......of course someone must adapt these methods or forget it......

So, yes it is frustrating but that is that way things plants must fit into normal production systems or it may be deemed "too troublesome".....Go figure.....
It is what it is......whatever it is..............


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