Plant Daddy

Friday, April 22, 2011

Corn Pollen.............

Are your eyes feeling a little itchy these days...........maybe it is corn pollen...... The pollen below is from the tassels from 12 corn plants. Imagine the pollen from a 100 acre field on a dry windy day. Makes my eyes water just thinking about it.

Here is how to harvest your own pollen for pollination.
Step 2: Above: pollen dropped from 12 corn tassels that were cut off in the morning and placed in water jars on newspaper for the day. This is the pollen collected that evening. Not the depression in the column of pollen - it is about 1 cm deep.

Step 3: Funnel the pollen into a salt shaker. I use one with smaller openings in the lid.

Step 4: Here is one days collection of pollen. There are several anthers sitting on top of the yellow pollen pile.

Now take this pollen and sprinkle on the nice recepting female silks. Then take a shower....

Step 1: Cut of the tassel with exposed anthers and place in jars containing water.


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