My Live Oak Dilemma....
Where I live has lots of live oaks........nice in the summer but not now since it is leaf raking season.....that is not so bad except that the trees are seedlings and vary a lot in time of leaf drop...for exampel in the photo below I point out large trees in 3 diferent growth stages.....some trees have alrady dropped all their old leaves, finished flowering and have put out new leaves (stage 1 in the photo)... stage 2 trees are in full flower and not yet finished dropping old leaves..... while stage 3 trees still have most of last year's leves and have not yet flowered....
So what you say.....isn't genetic diversity nice?....NOT when you have VERY LARGE tress with each stage in your end up raking leaves for 6 weeks....grrrrrrrrr......If I had an early flowering clone I would be done with leaves already.....but I guess it is good excercise to rake and rake and rake....oh well......NOTHING IS EASY...........
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