Plant Daddy

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Fabulous Florida Corn in 2-2-2.

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh the Florida corn. Good is not an adequate description. Fabulous does not do it justice either. This is the week to enjoy it. Here’s my way of cooing it – put 2 ears (with the husk on) in the microwave and heat on high for 2 minutes; turn the ears from top to botton and heat 2 more minutes on high. That’s it --- 2-2-2 (2 ears, 2 min. then rotate and 2 more min). Let the ears cool in the husks for about 10 minutes before eating. The husks and silk come off very easy after heating. Sure beats doing the boiling water thing…

I do not like cold weather as it brings me to a complete standstill. At 40 degrees I turn to stone – a heavily dressed stone. Of coures that is not a problem today. In fact, good grief it’s hot – 95 – feels like 120 in my greenhouse. Ahhhhhhhhhhh but these tropical plants are growing now for sure. One good thing about the summer in Florida, is the fabulous plant growth rate. I guess they are looking to get away. My hybrids begin to look quite different from week to week. With a 3 day weekend (maybe 4) it will be fun to come in on Tuesday and look for more changes.

Guess I will try my router some more this weekend and hope to finish 10 dog watering stands. Life goes in unplanned directions – 2 weeks ago I never would have imagined doing a woodworking project. Will post a photo of a completed stand next week. Only problem is that there is no welding involved. Maybe I can do a new steel sculpture also. – shoot for the moon since it will only be 110 in the shop. Then again those welding sparks can take on a life of their own when landing in the wrong spot.

This is the first week of my blog so you will see print only, but then it will be time to get cute with the photo stuff. Relax, the photos are coming……..


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