Plant Daddy

Friday, June 11, 2004

Rain = Grass = The Mowing Game.

Instead of going to the Y tonight I mowed the grass for the first time. Thanx to the recent week of rain everything is greening up. It always looks so nice when the mowing is done and now I have the weekend to enjoy the view. Mowing involves ‘Tractor Therapy’ for 2 hours and battling nature to reclaim occupied space. Maybe it is a man thing but it always feels good on the tractor. Of course having a 6-foot wide mower deck to pull around the yard in better than using a riding mower. Just a little touchup is left for tomorrow.

This year I am going to record how many times I have to mow (I guess it is the damn scientist thing). It is fun trying to cheat a few days each time so eventually a turn is missed. My goal is to average mowing every 10 days. This is good for the environment as it uses less diesel fuel and saves time (2 hours minimum to mow), and running to the gas station. It is also less of a pain in the behind and that certainly counts.


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