Plant Daddy

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Just finished using my tractor with 2 new rear tires and the repaired mower to make the grounds at home look immaculate. Have several hay piles hidden around for winter mulch in case of freezes. Now it is back to hurricane patrol. There must be some truth to news about increased hurricane activity this year. Where is FRED to tell her where to go................

The surf was actually beginning to become fisherman friendly even though we missed the mullet run due to lousy weather all September and early October. Have even heard reports of sand fleas being readily available. Oh well --- it is only work for me since the coast will be messed up for another 2 weeks. Time to take up hunting....
I hope that is the only problem we have to deal with here.

At best, the south Florida ornamental foliage industry will take another beating. They cannot handle any more --- this is the third time this year.

Suppliers of liners up here will be hurting as sales will disappear due to damages in the Miami/Homestead area. There goes the fall corn, tomatoes and pepper crops too. We are all interconnected......

Well back to the weather channel. I am really sick and tired of those people......