Plant Daddy

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back on Blogger Track........Animal Control Needed

Fixing the golf cart again. This time it is the solenoid. Last time it was the forward and reverse gears. The time before that it was the resistance speed control unit. But I was able to fix it and now have work on all electrical aspects of the cart. This has led to a substantial photo collection of the cart parts. The photos are essental for me getting things back together. So far it has worked great. The solenoid is the cylindrical thing in the center with the red and the yellow wire attached to it. The old one stuck open = cart keeps moving if in gear because power never really shuts off. Like an irrigation solenoid that doesn't shut off and the sprinklers keep running. When I think of it that way I get it.

This moring our big nursery pump was coming on and off. It was due to a racoon climbing our faucet to get at the loquats during the night. He stepped on the shut off and pushed it to the open position so that the hose was running this morning. Hmmmmm loquats plus wasting water may push the "animal control" unit into action.