Plant Daddy

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Besides, I deserve it.

After a prolonged period of no fishing, the resulting despair often leads to the purchase of some new fishing device be it a pole, reel, line, hook or other “can’t miss” item to fill the void. There is the hunt for the item, feeling the merchandise, studying the price, checking for cheaper sources on Ebay, eventually the purchase, then the sneaking it home routine – that is all good stuff. Gets the adrenalin going just like hooking into a big one. Of course this all happens as the little voice says “‘It’s ok PD, you deserve it, afterall it is Xmas”. Or the classic “you better get it and use it now while you still can” --- I really use that one a lot.

The same senerio thing happens be it with car upgrades, tool additions, golf clubs or balls (in the old days) or billiard equipment. Oh my, what a list, and it never ends.

This year I have been good. Wonder why. For example, instead of getting a new plasma cutter I am getting the old one fixed for one quarter the cost. Wonder why. The one of a kind Japanese surf fishing reel on Ebay that I let someone else have – that was nice of me. Wonder why.

Maybe I have matured – no way…Maybe it is the fact that I have filled our dumpster (and I mean dumpster not garbage can) several weeks in a row with “stuff” from previous “you deserve it campaigns”. Getting warmer… It sure is nice to be in control and dispel those nasty urges. That is it. The joy received from defeating the purchasing virus. Yes, I am in control and that is good. Yea, right………..

Besides, the prices on Ebay drop after Xmas. Then I can start 2005 off in a good way. Afterall “I deserve it”.


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