Plant Daddy

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Surf Dreams in July.

PlantDaddy has been busy the past week with visitors and a lot of greenhouse work so did not get to blog. More on the specifics of these activities at a later date, but some really exciting things are happening in my plant world.

Damn, if hot isn’t bad enough, I have the ever growing urge to hit the beach to surf fish. It has been 6 weeks since the last trip – and I used to think I had my priorities in order. No more of this work crap. This trip has to happen and that is that. To soothe my needs I just secretly ordered a CRABHAWK. For only $25 and a chicken drumstick I can catch all the blue crabs for bait I need - for free. What a deal….and, I only need to catch 50 crabs to break even compared to the cost of buying them (does not include cost of chicken). Yea, but you can’t put a price on being self sufficient. Of course what price does stupid sell for these days (I know, I know, around $25). Hey, even that is a deal!!!!!


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