Plant Daddy

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Gosh...It is cold again...40's with big wind..

Saturday and Sunday I was moaning about the heat.

Today, I must be in Alaska as it is windy and cold - BRISK as we do not like to say.
Actually we have not gone is that miserable at home.
A late cold front with 30 mph winds and temps in the 40's this am.
Same for tomorrow...

Makes you feel bad for the poor corn and zuchini.
Ahhhhhhhh but it is GREAT brocolli weather...and we have several heads ready to harvest.

Anyway, it sure is nice to sit here in with my heater and work this story up.
But, by Friday I will start the "heat" moaning all over again as temps to reach mid-80"s.

Ya gotta love stability...............