Plant Daddy

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Bonzai Time...............

In 2004 Mosaic Mom and I went to an international Bonzai show in Orlando.
The plants were fantastic.
In transferring some old files to a new computer I came across the photos from that show.
So now you can go back to the show with me.

Figure 1 (above). The photo above is a Bougainvillea. Sure doesn't look like the ones in our yard in Florida.
Figure 2 (above). Not sure what plant it is but it is a classic bonzai form.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The first primative Aglaonema ...... A. modestum.....

This plant was the first commercially important foliage plant aglaonema.
It is hardly seen anymore, but it laid the foundation for all the varieties that came after.
It should be held in reverence....

Friday, July 24, 2009

You can see other new tropical foliage palnts at our new website: go to: Give it a try......

The website is not finished yet but you can look at it.......give some feedback.....I need help to make it better.........

Monday, July 20, 2009

No Till Blackberries.............

Replanted our original row of blackberries.........herbicided the old and planted the new among the dying oldies.....replumbed the drip irrigation and away we go....I will rephotograph in couple of weeks to see how this works......sure beat digging the old ones out and rototilling the soil and raking up the mess.......

This is certainly a different approach for me.....I beat the OCD on this project.....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Foliage Variety - Pothos Pearls and Jade...

Life is nothing with without it.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Fotos.....New Pothos variety 'Green Genie'...


Thursday, July 09, 2009


'NUFF SAID..................143....................PD more time.....

Happy Birthday Mosiac Mom.....

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Frilly Philly is the Best..........New Foliage Plant

Heartleaf philodendron 'Frilly Philly' is an induced mutation of the standard heartleaf philly.
Below is a photo showing the standard and the new and improved 'Frilly Philly'.
It can be grown in many ways as desk top plant, hanging basket or a decorated totem.
Frilly Philly does fantastically indoors as a trouble free house plant.

Ask for it now................demand it even...............

Monday, July 06, 2009

July 4 Rainlily Show......

Although there were no bangs or sparklers, the rainlily planting put on quite a show on July 4th.
Most amazing little plants they are.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Adenium hybrid.....

Thought I would end the week with a nice flower.........below is one of my adenium hybrids. Do not know its name other than 'pretty plant'.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

No Blog.....It is NSF Week...........

NO blogs this week..........working on a National Science Foundation Grant........tooo tired to be bloggy....

Did manage to make an apple pie last night (with a lard crust)............can't wait for desert tonigh....I should say tht it was very close to being Mom-like......but that would be bragging.....
Taste will tell....

Next one will be crisco crust........must compare.......