Plant Daddy

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chlorophytum amaniense 'Fire Flash'......

Below is a nice Chlorophytum species....not the normal "Spider Plant" for sure........

It likes low light........although this plant has been around for a few years it is not real common yet.......I have not seen it for sale...........but have photographed it in hotel looks really good in a group planting.........

We are playing with this plant now to see what we can flowers and sets seed easily.......the seeds germinate readily on the soil surface...........who knows what time will bring...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Have a Photo instead..............

Grrrrrrr.........I had written a detailed philosophical story regarding teaching but blogger will not let me cut and paste it in here............ so have a peperomia photo instead .....probably better anyway........... sigh...........

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Aglaonema............Photo background that is..............

Have looked for the perfect photo background to use in the greenhouse for years......
Cloth gets rinkles and fades.........
Cloth is too hard to set up......must be stretched, anchored, etc............
So today I tried a piece of cheap carpet in a brown tone.......
Nailed it to a 2x4 stud and hung it up.......I liked it....
First shot was with an Agalonema of course......
I think this color will work well with different types of foliage.....
We shall see........

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A New View of Aglaonema........NOT CUTE........

An Aglaonema without foliage....not so cute.....
Above....a cross section of stem with lateral bud on top (looks like an eyeball)...
Above........same bud viewed from the top down..........not cute either....
Above....the stem section containing the bud has beem removed for sterilization and placement into a plant tissue culture growing medium.
Why am I showing this today..?........because I get to teach a tissue culture lab tomorrow night and am working what is left of my mind into the correct mode of thinking...........

Monday, November 08, 2010

Not much to say usual.........

Fresh photo from the greenhouse today..........
Here are 3 little Adenium 'HOT Pink' plants.......
One looks pretty good the other 2 not so HOT......
Hmmmm......not sure why that is but we are looking into it........

It is always something that is going on........just like in real life........stay tuned.........

Friday, November 05, 2010

More Adenium Stuff.........

We have 4 different experiments going now in the high light greenhouse........should be interesting.......the plants seem to be happy in here......especially since temperatures are dropping into the 40's tonight..........did I say brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

At least these are great days to be in a warm greenhouse........even though we complained about the excessive heat all summer.......

It's a balance you know.............